Our second issue of DEER EDITOR is out in stores this week. Keep your eyes peeled for this cover which should be on the shelves right now:
In this one, Sami Kivela and I take our strange anthropomorphic out of his usual noir trappings and layer a strange dose of horror into the affair. We jump three months into the future after the last issue ended with him shot and bleeding out and we let his subeditor, Dan, continue chasing the story into dark places he did not see coming.
This opening page was a blast to put together and sets you up for this month’s reading experience:
If you haven’t tried our antler noir comic yet, here’s a video trailer:
The reviews coming in have been very lovely to read. Our first issue is sitting on a low A rating overall, and you can scope a few reviews out here!
The second issue just got a 5/5 from Comic Crusaders, where Johnny “The Machine” Hughes says “In Bucky and Dan, Lindsay has a pair of genuine Ben Urich’s; reporters looking for the truth and not just the headline. Honest reporters is almost as fantastical idea as a talking deer!”
When you’re in your comic shop this week picking up the stack and browsing the shelves, I hope you give our book a thumb and then some cash for your friendly four colour retailer.
If you haven’t read #1 yet, this is the iconic cover you’ll see jumping out at you:
I really love this review headline: DEER EDITOR #1 DELIVERS FLETCH WITH A DEER - read it all over at Graphic Policy
We got blessed with a Mad Cave Exclusive cover for #1 by Phil Hester
You can go buy it over at the Mad Cave site - it’s got a 25% discount right now!
But my favourite thing about this collaboration with one of my favourite artists of all time is that I have copies of that cover in my hand and I also have the original art from Phil. Check it!
I’m waiting to get this framed and then it’s going to live on my wall for life. It’s actually surreal to have my character through the lens of Phil Hester and then have that art in my office. Just an example of the world being a place full of joy.
My solo sci fi rpg that’s a building crawl where you write the adventure is going gangbusters on Kickstarter.
You can come join the fun and buy your own copy
If you want the easy in: there’s a $3 digital version
Throw in $7 and you get another 7 of my one-page rpgs that explore various genres.
Hitting $10 will get you the printed A5 zine.
I’ve loved putting this together, and exploring solo rpgs, and I’m really thankful for the support and love that’s come my way this month. We are like 130% funded, and there’s still a fortnight to go, so I’m grateful for every click, pledge, and share.
Who is Ryan K Lindsay?
I’m an award-winning Australian comic writer. I’ve been published by Black Mask, Dark Horse, ComixTribe, Mad Cave, IDW, Heavy Metal, Vertigo, and a few more. Kickstarter has been a home for many short comics. I often get to collaborate with great mates, and this brings me joy.
I write about balancing this creative game alongside a full teaching load [currently College English and University Intro to Creative Writing] and a lovely family load and the forever melting brain that is modern man. I think about a lot of stuff, I still don’t know if it’s the right stuff. ymmv.
I just finished reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy and that was a wild ride to one hell of an ending. I’m still sitting with it. It’s still sitting with me. There’s a lot of sitting going on.
That Phil Hester art on your wall must be something truly special! :)